Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 31: United States of America

We made it to the end of the month! Hopefully this has been a learning journey for you. It definitely has been for me! If you have stuck around throughout this little challenge, do you mind leaving a comment? I'd love to know your thoughts!

When we began the month, the United States government was shut down. And yet the order in our day to day lives stayed relatively the same. There are still too many living in poverty within our borders, and yet just yesterday we saw that an average Haitian earns $790 annually. We face extremely real foreign threats, and yet we don't think about anyone invading our city on a daily basis.

The United States faces many significant issues and challenges that break our hearts. And yet we must remember that we are part of a world in which the majority of our brothers and sister live in very different circumstances.

And perhaps that's where we'll land with this 31 day experiment. My prayer for my home country is to live with an awareness of others. Others living in our neighborhoods, living in our cities, living in the world around us. Lord, let us not be consumed with ourselves. May we be satisfied solely in You.

American Quick Facts:
Population: 317.7 million
Primary Industry: Technology, Industry, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Service
Annual Income per Person: $47,440
Political System: Democracy
Primary Religion: Christianity
All facts found in Operation World.

Papa, let Your name be made great in our country, let it change our heart and the way we live our lives. Take away our complacency and replace it with an authentic care and love for others. In a nation that loves to celebrate celebrity, may You be known as the only one worthy of glory. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Your momma traveled with you. Thank you for the tour and for helping me catch a glimpse of these countries with a Christ-like view. Love you and your perspective!
