Saturday, March 2, 2013

Right Where God Wants You

Dreaming is not something that comes naturally to me. I'm wired to observe the world around me, to see the facts, to analyze the information I have. I grasp many concepts and ideas, but imagining things that could be but aren't doesn't come easily. I struggle to plan for our future not because I'm spontaneous, but because I am so rooted in logic that I know our future circumstances are unpredictable and won't fit into our plan anyway. And you know what? This way of thinking runs in my family. My mom is not a dreamer, but she's the one inspiring me to dream.

The last three years have not been easy ones for our family, my mom especially. And yet somewhere in that time, she made it her dream to be wherever God wants her. Though she had mixed emotions about short term mission trips, she spent Easter in Haiti two years ago. And my schedule-following, no-thanks-I'd-rather-not-be-dirty momma fell in love.

Haiti 2011
My mom? She's the one beaming in the middle.

A year later, when her life went topsy-turvy once again, she went back knowing it was exactly where God wanted her to be. Back in the Haitian sun, serving with people she loves, meeting our Savior in a fresh way once again.

And this year? She's serving again. This time in California as her sister spends her last few months on this earth. She does not say this was her dream, but she does say this is the exact place God wants her to be. And those are dream footsteps I want to follow.

I stand taller, but we share a face. I see with different eyes, but we share a way of thinking. I serve in different roles, but I dream of sharing her heart, the one that beats for the glory of God.

My Momma on my Wedding Day
I dare you to open your eyes to those dreaming around you, to share the dream God has for you, the God-sized dream nudging your right now, to chase it. Check out Holley Gerth's book. It's out right now, and it's a gem.

Be where God want you to be, dear dreamers!

Linking up here today. Join us?


  1. What an encouraging post of putting God and His Will first in our lives! It's so easy to get caught up in our own plans, but not so easy to stay flexible for God's plans.

  2. Anne, what a fabulous tribute to your amazing mother! I met Jan on her first mission to Haiti and was thrilled to be with her again last year. She stands taller than most of us with her God-filled heart and quiet ways. Thanks for sharing and keep on dreaming.
    Jo Anne Novinger

  3. wow, what an inspiring post. Your mother is a testimony of God's work and faithfulness! Praying for you and your family!
